The Stupid Lodger & The Recycling


LANDLADY - ...all food scraps go into that small bin near the sink, and don't mix 'em with kitchen paper as you did last time.

STUPID LODGER - Why not? In my Country paper towels are considered humid waste, just  as food

LANDLADY - In this Country a paper towel is still paper, and it goes with paper scrap.

STUPID LODGER - Uh ...OK then.

LANDLADY - ...and when the small bin is full, chuck everything in the big brown recycle bin, in the backyard. Is that all clear?

STUPID LODGER - Yes, I guess so.

LANDLADY - But remember: you can't throw food just like that, you have to wrap it first in an old newspaper. Is that clear?

STUPID LODGER - Er... in a what ?

LANDLADY - Do you even understand what I'm saying [stupid lodger]?


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